Medical Proxy

When faced with a medical procedure that may leave you, or a loved one, incapacitated for an extended period is a scary thought. In these moments, having a Medical Proxy who is well versed in your choices will ensure your wishes are carried out no matter the wishes of your family, friends, or caregiversFrom medical crisis to temporary incapacitation – we are here to be your voice. 

Medical Proxy services are available exclusively in California and Colorado.

We understand your needs:

Create Peace of Mind

If you ever become too ill or injured to direct your care, your loved ones may have to step in and make decisions for you leaving them to guess what kind of care you want, causing stress during an already painful time. By appointing a trusted confidant to act as your Medical Proxy before you need one, you can create peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones. 

Prepare for a major
medical Procedure

If you’re planning for surgery, you may want to select a Medical Proxy to make medical decisions for you since you can’t give consent while under anesthesia.

After being diagnosed with a degenerative disease 

Alzheimer’s, cancer, ALS, and Huntington’s disease are all conditions that will eventually make it difficult for you to understand or consent to medical treatment. After diagnosis, you may want to appoint a Medical Proxy while you’re still feeling well and can communicate your wishes for your care.

You may also be interested in:

Care Management
and Planning

We design and develop personalized care plans for you or your family members, including the planning, coordinating, and supervision of care services and financial responsibilities. Plan options include wellness checks, oversight of caregivers and social workers, public benefits enrollment, household budgeting and bill pay. 

Medical Power of Attorney

We ensure your health care wishes, or the health care wishes of a family member, are communicated if either of you becomes incapacitated during a medical crisis. 

End-of-life care including funeral and burial assistance available. 

Conservator of the Estate

We manage and oversee every aspect of your financial estate, or the financial estate of a family member, under court supervision after you, or a family memberare no longer able to make important financial decisions. 

Care Management
and Planning

We design and develop personalized care plans for you or your family members, including the planning, coordinating, and supervision of care services and financial responsibilities. Plan options include wellness checks, oversight of caregivers and social workers, public benefits enrollment, household budgeting and bill pay. 

Medical Power of Attorney

We ensure your health care wishes, or the health care wishes of a family member, are communicated if either of you becomes incapacitated during a medical crisis. 

End-of-life care including funeral and burial assistance available. 

Conservator of the Person

We protect the personal interest of your family members who are aging or have special needs including oversight of their caregivers, medical providers, and those handling their financial responsibilities. 

This service is available on a temporary or long-term basis. 


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